How do I find a peer reviewed journal?
In general, to find a peer-reviewed journal, open one of our periodical databases (journals are a type of periodical), perform a search, and then limit to "Peer Reviewed Journals" using the database's refinement tools.
One of the best periodical databases to use for peer-reviewed journals (because it has materials on such a wide range of topics) is the database, Academic Search Ultimate. Use the following steps to find a peer-reviewed journal article using Academic Search Ultimate:
- Go to the library homepage, click on Databases in the library menu, and then open the database Academic Search Ultimate.
- Perform a search for your topic or keywords (keep search very short and very specific; do not add extra words).
- Once you have your list of results, look to the left at all of the refinement options.
- Click the box for Scholarly (Peer-reviewed) Journals to view only those items in your results that are from peer-reviewed journals.
Here are a couple of video tutorials that might help:
Finding Articles -
Citing Journals Articles Using NoodleTools -