How can I check out eBook from library?


To access eBooks from the library, follow these steps:

  1. Search in OneSearch:
    Go to the library homepage and use the search bar (OneSearch) to look for a book by title, author, or keyword. Once you see your results, use the “Refine Results” filter on the left to select Books under Source Types.

  2. Look for “Available Online” Links:
    eBooks will have an Available Online link in the results. Click this link to view the databases that provide access.  Then click the database name to open the book in the database.  For many of our eBooks, you can read the eBook directly in your browser—no formal checkout needed! You can also print, email, or download a limited number of pages, depending on the publisher's restrictions.

  3. Libby (formerly OverDrive):
    A collection of our eBooks use the Libby app. Download Libby to your smartphone or tablet, find Las Positas College Library, and browse the collection. When you find a title, click the Borrow button to check it out and download it for up to 21 days.

  4. Off-Campus Access:
    If you’re accessing resources from off-campus, you’ll need to log in with your My Portal WID and password before you can open an eBook.

Check out our Finding Books video for a more detailed overview of finding print and eBooks.

Happy searching!  Let us know if you need help finding or accessing any titles.

  • Last Updated Jan 24, 2025
  • Views 347
  • Answered By LPC Librarian

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